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Harvest bowl filled with corn, squash, apples, grapes, currants, figs, and pomegranate.

October 2022 Newsletter

Three Questions – Where am I going?; What is my purpose?; What is my name? These are the questions the Coat of Hopes song begins by asking. We were privileged to welcome Barbara and Sandy to our service on 18th September as they travel around the country sharing with those who will listen to the hopes of many and share and work together to make a better world.

Where are you going? It is a question the Christian faith asks us. Are you going where Jesus leads, are you going where He sends?

What is your purpose? If you have responded to Jesus your purpose is to follow his teaching and share it with others so they too can know the unimaginable love of God.

What is your name? The Bible tells usth at when you give yourself to Jesus your name is written on His hands, or to use the older term ‘graven’ on His hands. Graven is a better word because your name has been engraved or sculpted into Gods hands.

Isn’t that a wonderful thought – you are so loved by God that he knows you so well and is so pleased you are His that he has carved your name onto His hands never to be lost from him no matter what happens.

Whether you are a monarchist or not our late Queen knew this through and through and was not afraid to speak about her faith – she knew where she was going, she knew her purpose and she knew that God knew her name. It doesn’t matter what your position in life, to God each one is precious.

Perhaps ask yourself these three questions and see whether you are going God’s way.

Services in October

Worship at 10:30am

2nd – Revd Terry Nowell – Harvest
9th – Ms A Jacobs
16th – Women’s Service
23rd – Revd Jennifer Matthews, Holy Communion
30th – Revd Terry Nowell, Cafe Church

Dates for your Diary

Sun. 02 Oct. – Harvest Festival – Gifts for the Community Larder
Tues. 04 Oct. – Women’s Circle – Glass decorating with Caron – 2pm
Fri. 07 Oct. – Coffee Drop-in – 9-10am
Mon. 10 Oct.– Craft & Friendship – 10.30am
Sat. 15 Oct. – Women’s Coffee Morning – 10-11am
Mon. 24 Oct. – Craft & Friendship – 10.30am
Wed. 26 Oct. – Church Council – 2pm PLEASE NOTE change of date
Thurs. 27 Oct – Men’s Meeting, AGM – 2pm
Sat. 29 Oct. – MacMillan Coffee Morning – 10-11am

Environmental Concerns

Care for our Environment – The Coat of Hopes made a pilgrimage from the south of England all the way to Glasgow to speak to the world leaders at COP 26. We learned last year that the United Nations were there to speak about climate change and the Coat of Hopes pilgrims shared with them all the hopes of people who had sewn patches on the coat or walked on the pilgrimage – patches that spoke of the hopes of many – hopes grandparents have for their grandchildren; hopes for clean oceans; hopes for clean air; hopes for wildlife; so many hopes for our environments.

Do you think people are more considerate about how we use the earth’s resources or do people think they can’t do anything about it and leave it to others like their neighbours or politicians? God gave us a beautiful world to care for and it is all our responsibility to care for every aspect we can – care about waste in so many ways – water, fashion, energy use, plastic, recycling and so much more.

Have you noticed that some of the plastic covering fruit in the supermarket can be put in the green bin to be composted? If what you buy doesn’t have environmentally friendly packaging then ask the supermarket why. Its not a lot to ask of each one of us if it means the oceans do not die and all the creatures in them. Do you use bar soap at home instead of plastic bottles? Bottles may be recyclable but the plungers are not.

Do what you can in every way you can to save God’s wonderful world.

Upcoming Events

Coffee Mornings

Saturday – 15th October – Women’s Coffee Morning
Please support this coffee morning proceeds from which will help our church funds. On Sunday 16th October our service will be led by the Women of the church.

Saturday, 29th October – MacMillan Coffee Morning

Harvest Festival

Our Harvest Festival will be held on Sunday, 2nd October and, as we have done for the past few years, our gifts of food will be collected for the Community Larder. The Community Larder supports families who are struggling and this year many will find life difficult as the cost of living increases.

These are the items most needed if you can help: Hot dogs, tinned meatballs/stews/curries. UHT semi-skimmed or whole milk, breakfast cereals like Weetabix, tinned tuna or other fish, tinned fruit, pasta or curry sauce, rice pudding/custard, small jars of coffee/teabags.

A Warm Space

As the cost of energy rises many people may find the cost almost impossible to manage. We are hoping to share with the other churches along Monks Road as we each open one morning a week for two or three hours to provide a warm space for those who need one.

We may not be needed but we believe we have to offer to provide a warm space for those in our community who might need it through the colder months of the winter. If we are to offer this we need help.

Please sign the form at the back of church so we can offer a friendly welcome, drinks & biscuits/toast.

Christmas Fair

On 26 November we shall hold our Christmas Fair/Coffee morning. There will be lots of things of interest, stalls, raffle, tombola and games, drinks and friendship as usual. Come along, tell your friends and bring them to enjoy the morning.

The Women’s Circle & Craft group are having a stall for crafts and toiletries and are asking if you have any unwanted toiletries you have been gifted or brand new face cloths, they would be pleased to have them for their stall.

If you have any items suitable for a tombola Irene would be pleased to have them. Complete jigsaws and toys always sell well, along with decent bric-a-brac. If you can help please see Rosie, Terry, Rosemary or Irene.


Weekly/Monthly/Annual Giving

Since Covid we have placed our collection plate on the table where we sign in. Several people pay regularly through the bank, some people give monthly by cheque, others may like to give weekly and your giving can be placed on the plate as you come into church.

It costs our church £10 per member each week to pay our way. We know some can donate that amount but understand many may not be able to afford this amount and to that end we hold events through the year to help.

Thank you for all you give to keep our church alive. If you would like to donate regularly through the bank please ask David or Terry for the bank details.

As you know we have a new heating system being installed which will cost over £52,000 – if you feel you could make a donation to help then please ask David our treasurer for details or use the bank details you have but just mark it ‘heating fund’. Thank you for the generous donations we have already received.

Other News

Family News

To all our friends unable to worship with us we send our love and prayers. Your prayers for the work of our church strengthens all we seek to do in our Father’s name, thank you and may God bless you.

Deadline for November Newsletter – 23rd October

If you have any news to share then please be aware of the above date and let us have your item a few days before.

Closing Prayer

Father we pray, give us the courage to live our faith boldly and consistently. Clean hypocrisy out of our hearts and wipe away prejudice and favouritism. Give us strength and sight. Help us to look at each other through the eyes of love.

Download a copy of the PDF

If you would like to download a PDF copy of the newsletter, you can do so here.



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