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September 2022 Newsletter

A Happy New Methodist Year – Warm greetings are offered to all our family and friends when we celebrate a new year. Methodists mark our church’s new year on the first of September. We do not make new year resolutions as Christians but to everyone who worships with us and acknowledges Jesus as their Saviour, we ask each other “what are we going to do for the Lord, individually and as a church, during this coming year?

Whatever challenges we might face, nothing is too hard for our Lord so we can go forward with faith and confidence. Matthew 6:25 tells us “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Seek first the Kingdom of God and all good gifts will be given to you…Do not worry about tomorrow as tomorrow has enough worry of its own.”. So live each day in the light of God’s love shown to us in Jesus with assurance and joy.

This year will bring challenges for us as a church and individually but if we live one day at a time in the strength of Jesus then our responsibilities can be exciting. This year, persist in prayer, treat others as you would have them treat you, be filled with humility, exercise self-control, integrity and be forgiving – for by your lifestyle others will see Jesus.

We pray: Lord, in the year ahead, give us the strength to resist what is wrong and to revel in your love. Amen

Services in September

Worship at 10:30am

4th – Revd Terry Nowell – Covenant Service with Holy Communion
11th – Revd Terry Nowell
18th – Cafe – Coat of Hope
25th – Revd Jennifer Matthews

Dates for your Diary

Fri. 02 Sept. – Coffee Drop-in – 9-10am
Tues. 06 Sept. – Women’s Circle own arrangements – 2pm
Mon. 12 Sept. – Craft & Friendship in the Lounge – 10.30-noon
Sat. 24 Sept. – Coffee morning for Inclusion Day Centre – 10-11am
Mon. 26 Sept – Craft & Friendship – 10.30am

Environmental Concerns

As the Winter arrives we know that we will have to use our heating again and we know that the cost of energy has and will continue to rise exponentially which will mean that many will experience poverty. This cost of living increase in energy and food is partly because of the war in the Ukraine (often called the bread basket of Europe) but other factors also like climate change.

We are not the only country to be facing such hardships – the whole world is suffering and millions are starving. A recent newspaper article lamented that it has taken this situation to make us all realise how profligate we have been with the earth’s resources to humanity’s detriment and now, not only to save the planet but also to save our own purses we are being urged to save water, electricity, gas.

Don’t leave your tap running, save cooking and washing water for the garden and all this will mean your water bill will be lower as well as helping the environment; turn off lights and things on standby when they are not needed; use your oven to it’s full capacity and not for single items to save money and the planet; try cooking on the gas hob if possible which is cheaper than putting the oven on for small or individual items.

All these things are probably second nature to us who are careful with the planet’s resources but they will also help financially in this very difficult time ahead. It’s a great shame that it’s taken the coming difficulties to make us all realise how precious God’s resources are.

New Heating System

As you will all know our heating system has served well, in the older part of the building particularly, since 1914. There are now leaks in the pipework under the floor which cannot be found. It is necessary to ensure our building is fit for purpose so that we can continue to proclaim the Christian message in our area and work will begin in September to give us an up-to-date zoned system which will keep us comfortable but also hopefully save money.

The work will cost around £44,000 and probably a little more in making good. A big thank you for the two very generous donations we have been given and already people are working to raise funds (selling jam, tomatoes & cucumbers and books) to help us pay for the work so thank you for all you give.

As the work continues we will have to be flexible about where we operate from; the groups may have to re-think where or if they meet and church may be upstairs or downstairs depending on where the workmen are operating.

Thank you to the helpers who have cleared the stage downstairs and for the help that will be needed to sheet over our chairs etc. Also there will be some making good, painting and cleaning to be done afterwards.


Weekly/Monthly/Annual Giving

Since Covid, to save passing the plate around during the service, we have placed our collection plate on the table where we sign in. Several people pay regularly through the bank, some people give monthly by cheque, others may like to give weekly and your giving can be placed on the plate as you come into church.

It costs our church £10 per person each week to pay our way. We know some can donate that amount but understand many may not be able to afford this amount and to that end we hold events through the year to help.

Thank you for all you give to keep our church alive. If you would like to donate regularly through the bank please contact us for the bank details.

The Road Through The Desert

The Road through the Desert is the title of a book by the author Alison Jacobs, one of our own members. It has kindly been given to the church to raise funds for the new heating system at the reduced price of £3.00. It has been written to acknowledge times in the Bible when God’s people were despairing but also to help us today when we go through difficult times. The books are on the table near the piano. Buy one for yourself or for anyone it might help.

Garden Party

A big thank you to Lynne & Mick Breward and their helpers for hosting their annual garden party. Charlie was very good taking the gate money! The weather was warm and the company was jovial, a good time was had by everyone and £200 was raised which will help us towards funding the necessary work to install a new heating system at church.

Coffee Mornings

As well as raising funds to keep our church alive and kicking, our coffee morning are one way we also help other charities. Our coffee mornings for 2022 are advertised on the website’s calendar and our Facebook Page.

Please note our first one on 24th September will be to help Inclusion 21 Day Centre which helps people with autism and other learning difficulties. Like all charities they need all the help we can offer. Please support wherever you can.

Other News

Renew your Covenant with God

Renew your Covenant with God for the new year on the first service in September: “I am no longer my own but yours. Put me to what you will. I freely and wholeheartedly yield all things to your pleasure and disposal….”.

A photo showing the silhouette of a oerson kneeling with head bent in prayer against a purple and pink sunset cloudy sky. The Methodist Covenant Prayer is written in black text over the image and reads as follows: I am no longer my own but yours. Put me to what you will, rank me with whom you will; put me to doing, put me to suffering; let me be employed for you, or laid aside for you, exalted for you, or brought low for you; let me be full, let me be empty, let me have all things, let me have nothing: I freely and wholeheartedly yield all things to your pleasure and disposal. And now, glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are mine and I am yours. So be it. And the covenant now made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven.'

Family News

To all our friends unable to worship with us we send our love and prayers. Though you may not be able to be with us physically we know that your prayers for the work of our church strengthens all we seek to do in our Father’s name, thank you and may God bless you.

Deadline for October Newsletter – 25th September

If you have any news to share then please be aware of the above date and let us have your item a few days before.

Download a PDF copy of the newsletter

If you would like to download a PDF copy of the newsletter, you can do so here.

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