Tag: Advent

Illustration of the Nativity, with silhouette of the stable in the centre, Bethlehem to the right and the three kings to the left. This is all laid over a pink and purple skyline. The verse from 1 John 4:9 is laid over the image, "And God showed his love for us by sending his only Son into the world, so that we might have life through him".

December & January Newsletter

Apologies for the delay in posting this newsletter to the website – December was a busy month!


A time of anticipation, of waiting, a time when Christians look forward to the coming of Jesus and all that means for our lives both here and in eternity. This year advent begins on 29 November, and our Advent Bible study begins on Wednesday 27 November at 2pm in the lounge to which everyone is invited. We shall be studying the paintings of He Qi as we consider and ponder what the coming of Jesus has to say to us in today’s world.

Enjoy all the aspects of Christmas, the colours, the lights, the food, the friends and family get-togethers. It is an important time when we make efforts to meet or contact those we haven’t been in touch with for a while and keep friendship and loving alive. Importantly for Christians it is a time when we can try to realise again how much God loves us and how he shows us this by sending Jesus to us.

Through this season we use our Advent wreath at church. This gives us a shorthand way of thinking about the history of our church and the different aspects – God’s people, the prophets, John the Baptist and Mary who responded to God’s call – all of which can ground us in our faith and urge us on to live our lives within the indescribable love of God and for his people. A happy and blessed Christmas to you all and a new year filled with purpose for God’s kingdom.

Services in December

Worship at 10:30am

1 – Revd Nowell, HC
8 – Revd Nowell – Gift Service
15 – Revd Nowell, Cafe (plus Carols at 6pm, see below)
22nd – Folk Carols at 3pm
29 – Revd Nowell, Cafe

Gift Service – 8th December

If you would like to help the young people who are leaving care this Christmas we shall be collecting presents to help them on their way. Lorraine has been in touch with Lincolnshire Leaving Care Service and they would like personal things like gloves, hats, scarves, socks and underwear; also tinned food that has a long shelf life would be acceptable. This year they do not need toiletries as they have been given some by a company. Leaving Care supports young people who are making the transition from Care to independent living, with follow-on services providing skills, knowledge and access to 1:1 advice; including access to supported lodgings, help getting a job and on the Job Training scheme.

Carols with the Beevor Band – 15th December at 6pm

Please join us as we sing and celebrate Christmas with our friends from the Beevor Band. The band has kindly offered us this evening so please invite your families and friends to this traditional Christmas event.

Folk Carol Service – 22nd December at 3pm

You are warmly invited to our Folk Carol Service on Sunday 22nd December at 3pm. Come and share Christmas with us in an informal and lively celebration of old yuletide carols and songs. Music led by Jonathan Nowell and friends.

Christmas Day Service – 25th December at 10:30am

Join us to celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Please bring a present to open if you would like.

Services in January

Worship at 10:30am

5 – Revd Nowell, Covenant HC
12 – Revd A Burrows
19 – Revd Nowell
26 – Revd Nowell, Cafe

Homeless Sunday – 26th January

We shall be sharing a soup lunch after the morning service to support Nomad, our  Lincolnshire Homeless Charity.

Dates for your Diary

Mon. 02 Dec. – Craft & Friendship group – 10.30am
Wed. 04 Dec. – 2nd Advent Study 2pm
Mon. 09 Dec. – Craft & Friendship group – 10.30am
Mon. 09 Dec. – Women’s Circle Christmas Evening 6pm
Wed. 11 Dec. – 3rd Advent Study 2pm
Mon. 16 Dec. – Craft & Friendship group followed by lunch
Wed. 18 Dec. – 4th Advent Study 2pm
Mon. 13 Jan. – Craft & Friendship group – 10.30am
Mon. 20 Jan. – Craft & Friendship group – 10.30am
Mon. 27 Jan – Craft & Friendship group – 10.30am
Thurs 30 Jan. – Men’s Meeting – 7.15pm

Environmental Concerns

Have you ever wondered what is in your chocolate or spread? There is one item that you should check for – PALM OIL. November 10th – 16th was a week you have probably not heard of but it was Orangutan Caring Week, an annual event aimed at drawing attention to the plight of the critically endangered orangutan and its rainforest home. The Borneo rainforest is vital for the earth, animals, insects, & humans who live there and rely on it for sustenance. Between 1985 & 2001 more than half was deforested for hardwood, that’s about the size of Belgium. Since then deforestation has risen horrendously from 600,000 hectares in 1985 to over 6 million hectares by 2007 for the production of palm oil, a lot of it produced illegally. Palm oil is in many of our foods and some of the biggest companies use it in our chocolates, spreads, confectionery, cakes & sweets and lots of the biggest banks support this. Because of Palm Oil production the habitat of the orangutan and other forest-dwelling creatures is desperately shrunken. The latest count of our critically endangered orangutans is just over 13,000 and their habitat is shrinking so fast that even if this number survives the size of
their surviving habitat will not be enough to sustain them. It is vital that we check that what we buy does not contribute to this decline. Check the packaging to ensure you are not buying anything that contains PALM OIL.

Groups and Events

Women’s Circle – 9th December

Thanks to Lynne & Mick Breward who will be hosting our Christmas evening again. If you are
coming you are invited to bring a secret Santa that costs £1 or only a very little more. Everyone is invited also to bring a small plate of nibbles. As agreed at our AGM we shall not meet again until 7th April when we have decided to meet on Tuesday afternoons.

Men’s Group – 30th January

Men’s Group will meet at 7.15pm on 30th January when the speaker will be Revd Terry Nowell. A variety of interesting speakers are invited through the year and all men are invited.

Christmas Fair

What a wonderful morning we had. A huge thank you to everyone who helped and supported this annual event – we raised £673 on the day and since we have added to it so now have raised £711.21 to help our work here.

Other News

Modern Day Slavery

We are all cheering on Sam Morton who begins his 300km, five day run on 25 November to help fight modern-day slavery.

Church Christmas Card

If you want to protect the environment you can sign our Church Christmas Card and read it to see who has sent you good wishes. The postbox will also be out on 1st, 8th and 15th December.

Download a PDF version of the Newsletter

To download a PDF version of the newsletter, please click here.