Tag: Halloween

image of several pumpkins in shades of white and orange, sitting on a hay bale.

October Newsletter

Isaiah 40: 31… those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, the will walk and not be faint.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”.

As we begin a new church year the two verses above are a wonderful encouragement. They remind us of the love God has for each one of us and that God is in charge so if you feel tired or afraid be assured by the verses above that He is in control, so rest in Him; speak to Him and tell Him of your concerns; hand everything over to Him and feel at peace; and be thankful, thankful for his love for you and for the assurance our Christian faith brings. God is love so live in love, love for yourself and for everyone you come into contact with day by day. We are often concerned about how we can share our Christian faith but if we spread love and  thankfulness around, God’s love is being distributed whether we realise it or not. Happy New Christian Year.

Psalm 121 I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip – He who watches over you will not slumber. Amen

Services in October

Worship at 10:30am

6th – Revd T Nowell, Harvest & lunch
13th – Vicki Vallow, Women’s Anniversary
20th – Maureen Birch
27th – Revd T Nowell, Baptism

Dates for your Diary

Mon. 30 Sept – Craft & Friendship group – 10.30am
Mon. 30 Sept – Bible Study 10.30am & each Monday term time
Sun. 06 Oct. – Harvest Festival followed by Lunch
Mon. 07 Oct. – Craft & Friendship group – 10.30am
Sat. 12 Oct. – Women’s Coffee Morning – 10-11.30am
Sun. 13 Oct. – Women’s Anniversary 10.30am, preacher Vicki Vallow
Mon. 14 Oct. – Craft & Friendship group – 10.30am
Mon. 14 Oct. – Women’s Circle – 7pm, speaker Karen Lane
Wed. 16 Oct. – Church Council – 2pm
Sat. 19 Oct – Jumble Sale – 10am
Mon. 21 Oct. – Craft & Friendship group – 10.30am
Thurs. 24 Oct. – Men’s AGM – 7.15pm
Mon. 28 Oct. – Craft & Friendship group – 10.30.
Thurs 31 Oct – Halloween evening – 6pm

Family News

Irene and Terry would like thank everyone for their good wishes on the occasion of their Golden Wedding anniversary.

Rosemary Smith and the family are providing the church flowers on Sunday 20th October in memory of their mum, and our friend, Pat England.

Environmental Concerns

There are so many things in our lives we have become used to that we are now finding are bad for our planet. Whatever we buy – food, clothes, fuel for our cars, heating for our homes – has some affect on our surroundings. Caring for our world is an imperative of being a Christian but as a race we have over-consumed and been careless. Consideration for the earth and our fellow human beings has to be a concern for us all and make us think about how we live and spend. God, our creator, gave us a wonderful world that provides all that we need – we are the earth’s guardians.

Groups and Events

Harvest Festival

Our Harvest Festival service will be held on Sunday 6th October at 10:30am. Come and worship with who us and be thankful for all we have. Our gifts this year will again be tins and packets for the Community Larder as they seek to support those in our community who are struggling. After the service we shall share in our harvest lunch. If you would like to attend the lunch please sign up on the form at the back of church.

Lord please grow in us a harvest for the world. Sow a seed of hope within our souls, that we might yield goodness, patience & kindness in abundance. Amen

Craft Group

Our Craft and Friendship group meets on Monday mornings from 10am. Our new term will see us creating items ready for the Shoeboxes which provide items for those in Eastern Europe who have very little. We shall also be making and wrapping things for our Christmas Fair. Please come and join us, bring you own craft, help us wrap Shoeboxes and prepare for Christmas Fair; or just come and share friendship with us. We have soup and a roll at the end of the morning before we head home and everyone is welcome.

Women’s Circle

Next meeting: Monday 14th October at 7pm in the hall. Our speaker will be Karen Lane on “Textiles”. Please join our easy-going group, we’d love to see you and welcome your input. Women’s Anniversary Weekend will be 12th and 13th October when we have our Coffee Morning on Saturday and welcome our visiting preacher, Vicki Vallow on Sunday.

Church Council

Did you know that everyone in our church family is eligible and welcome to attend Church Council? We talk about our business – how we keep the church alive, practically and spiritually. In effect we try to follow “Our Calling” – The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. So please come along and help us as we share in our work. We meet in the lounge off the hall, and our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 16th October at 2pm.

Men’s Group

Our AGM will be held on 24th October. All men are welcome at 7.15am when a variety of speakers are invited through the year.

Jumble Sale

We’re having another jumble sale on Saturday 19th October at 10am. Please come and help if you can. Helpers please meet at 9.15am so we can set up the tables.

Halloween Fun

After the two successful previous years, we’ll be handing out goody bags & smiles on Thursday, 31 October as well as providing games & coffee. Helpers and donations welcome – we are aiming to spend £1 per bag if you can help and would like to hand out 100 bags.

Other News

Shoeboxes will need to be collected at the end of October so please remember to get your items ready.

Thank you to everyone who helped at our Messy Harvest. 14 people attended to enjoy crafts, singing & lunch.

Thank you to everyone who supported our MacMillan Coffee Morning. Details of amount raised next time.

Download a PDF copy of the Newsletter

If you would like to download a PDF copy of the newsletter, you can do so here.