Dear Friends,
In the light of the latest Government advice we shall be cancelling all the weekly worship and church meetings as the majority of those attending are in the vulnerable age-group. This coming week and for as long as we need, there will be no Craft group, Lent group, Men’s
meeting, Friday Coffee drop and Women’s Circle. We hope to resume all our activities at the beginning of June.
You can access weekly service sheets to use at home, and find the link to the live streamed services from Wesley’s Chapel here. We also have a list of resources you may find useful on our Bible Study page, including The Methodist Church’s daily Bible reading – A Word in Time.
Keep in touch with each other by telephone and for those who have access to email and Facebook we shall put out regular messages in order to encourage each other. Songs of Praise on television is also an encouragement so keep close to God and each other by
praying for the situation and for each other and keep positive.
With love and prayers.