Whilst we’re not meeting at church, Young Spirits are sharing videos with us as they work through the Bible one book at a time. This week they’re looking at Jeremiah.

Whilst we’re not meeting at church, Young Spirits are sharing videos with us as they work through the Bible one book at a time. This week they’re looking at Jeremiah.
Welcome to our Seventh Friday Connection – 1st May 2020
Dear Friends we hope you are all well and feeling at peace in this strange time. Perhaps you have been able to do jobs that have been waiting for a while; maybe you have found a new hobby or craft; you may have been able to think and meditate on your life as a Christian and read your Bible more and dig deeper into God’s word to us.
When we lived and worked in Derbyshire in the 1970’s we had a very bad late fall of snow, just after the sheep had all had their lambs – there were drifts four feet deep in the whole valley that was Edale. For almost 48 hours without stopping only for food and a short rest, the shepherds in the valley kept searching and digging until every one of their sheep and lambs had been accounted for. The most distressing sight was a pile of lambs in a farm yard, all had perished but the most poignant sight was the efforts of those shepherds tirelessly searching until ALL had been found.
Project that into one of the readings for today – John 10 verses 1-10, the parable of the Good Shepherd. Jesus never stops searching and finding those folk who have lost their way in life – often through their own misguided efforts and ideas. And when we are feeling lost, in times of questioning and sometimes doubt or fear, Jesus always calls us back to himself, to receive the love, life and assurance that only he can give: “I have come that you will have life in all its fullness.”
The picture of God as our shepherd is written throughout the whole of the Bible. One of the other readings for Sunday is Psalm 23 which we probably all know by heart and which brings strength and comfort to many. It is so wonderful to know that Jesus wants us to have that fullness of life and that Gods unquestioning love for us is shown in so many verses. Although it is not one of the week’s readings Isaiah 43 tells us ‘I have called you by name, you are mine, do not be afraid. You are precious to me and I love you’. If a shepherd cares for his sheep with great care and devotion, how much more does Jesus love and care for each of us. Also in Isaiah 40 verse 11 He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart…
What wonderful readings for the week, full of peace, encouragement and love.
And I will trust in You alone, And I will trust in You alone,
For your endless mercy follows me,
Your goodness will lead me home.
© Stuart Townend (click on the link to hear the song).
These are the four readings for the week if you would like to study them all:
Acts 2:42-47 • Psalm 23 •1 Peter 2:19-25 • John 10:1-10
With our love and prayers Terry and Irene
Whilst we’re not meeting at church, Young Spirits are sharing videos with us as they work through the Bible one book at a time. This week they’re looking at Isaiah.
Welcome to our Sixth Friday Connection – 24th April 2020
Dear Friends it is good to meet together each week in this ‘connection’. As Christians we need to meet together to study the word of God and this week one of the readings we are looking at is Luke 24: 13-35, the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus.
As we walk along the Christian road we do not know what lies ahead. When we get to the end of the track will we turn left or right? Is there a bend in the road and what is beyond? Is there a hill to climb and what will be seen when we get to the top? Will it be a hard journey or a gentle stroll? Will we meet friends on the way? When we reach our destination will there be a reunion with family and friends and will they have a welcome meal waiting for us?
During the first meal in the Bible in Genesis 3 verses 6 & 7, the woman took some fruit and ate it. She gave some to her husband, and he ate it; then their eyes were opened and they knew they were naked. Death itself was traced to that moment of rebellion– the whole creation is subjected to decay, futility and sorrow.
Luke, echoes that story, in the first meal of the new creation in Jesus – “He took the bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them, then the eyes of both were opened and they recognised him” – Luke 24 verse 31. Death itself is defeated, God’s new creation, brimming over with life and joy and new possibility, has burst into the world of sorrow. The risen Jesus is the sign of this new world. Jesus has gone through death and entered a new world, a world of new and deathless creation.
I wonder if the disciples travelling on the Emmaus Road with that stranger noticed what sort of road they were travelling – was it stony, hilly, a hard climb? I think nothing about the road they were journeying would have been noticed or mattered as they listened to that stranger explaining the scriptures to them, the how, the why and the importance of Jesus and his life, death and resurrection . Can you remember when you first listened to or read this portion of scripture? Did your heart burn and did your imagination run riot as the experience of those disciples, not named and not the ones we know from the bible passages echoed in your life? We are not named in the Bible, though God knows each one of us intimately.
The travellers’ eyes, hearts and minds were opened as Jesus shared a meal with them and broke the bread and suddenly, at the breaking of bread, they knew with whom they had been travelling, that Christ had risen. Their real experience meant they had to turn around and rush back to tell the others what a miracle had happened. Their wonderful experience helps us to believe all that the Bible offers us through Jesus.
We are invited to listen to the exposition of the Bible, to have our hearts burning within us as fresh truth comes out from the pages. Only when we see the Old Testament reaching its climax in Jesus will we understand it.
We too are invited to know Jesus in the breaking of the bread. This is the central symbolic action of all Jesus’ people. Scripture and sacrament go together – we find Jesus in the Bible, in worship, but especially now walking alongside us on our road through life.
With our love and prayers, Terry and Irene
Whilst we’re not gathering at church, Young Spirit have decided to try and join together in reflections using video and social media. This week they are looking at The Song of Solomon.
As we join together again it is difficult to believe that the coming Sunday will be the fifth Sunday we have been unable to worship together physically. Despite the situation we are still able to speak to each other by telephone and other electronic means and, of course, through our prayers for each other, the situation and our world as all countries work hard to combat this virus.
Are you contagious? Hopefully not with the virus or any other illness but with the Christian Spirit. For us as Christians we need to be contagious so that others can catch the Spirit and know how much God loves them.
The Gospel readings for Sunday are from John 20:19-31 and the Acts of the Apostles 2:42-47. As we read these portions of scripture we see how the apostles reacted to the resurrection of our Lord and the receiving of the Holy Spirit.
In the reading from John we see that the disciples were locked away and afraid. Although we are locked away and some of us may be wary of how life is going to return to some normality, we know that in God’s plan we are safe. After his resurrection Jesus appeared to the disciples and said to them “Peace be with you” and emphasised that by repetition. Even when Thomas doubted because he wasn’t with the disciples at Christ’s first appearance, Jesus came and again reassured him. John tell us of these incidents and says to us today …these things are written that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that through this belief you may have life in His name.
In the Acts of the Apostles we learn how the apostles lived and how they shared their faith so much so that “…every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.”. In this exceptional time when we are separated from each other we still have opportunities to dispense our faith, maybe by encouraging each other in our church family but also by being able to speak to friends who aren’t believers and showing God’s love in our care and concern.
You may be eating your meals alone, or with one other or with a family. The disciples “…ate their meals with exultation and sincerity of heart, praising God…”. Meals may have become more of an important and enjoyable part of your day as other activities have become curtailed. Thankfulness is part of a Christian life so rejoice in every day, the weather, the jobs that you’ve been able to do because of the lockdown and the food we eat to keep us healthy. While we offer our thanks to God, remember those parts of the world where health services and food are scarce. Consider what we can do to help. There are so many ways and things we have to be thankful for, even in this different and difficult situation.
As you pray each day remember that Jesus is the Christ and through belief in Him we have life in all its fullness. Jesus still leaves his peace with all who believe. Easter is a daily celebration for all his followers.
We send our love and prayers
Terry and Irene
Good Friday – On our Walk of Witness this year we shall be travelling together in our hearts and minds as we remember what Jesus did for us on Golgotha.
The cross is where Jesus took our sins away by his willing sacrifice. Good Friday fulfilled all the prophecies about who would be the one true Saviour who would bring peace. Psalm 85 verse 10 says “Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other”. Jesus asks for nothing from us except faith – a faith which follows His teachings. Even when Jesus was on the cross and being mocked he asked His Father to forgive those mockers.
He asks us, his followers, to live a life of love and forgiveness as he did. We know that the suffering of Jesus is followed by a glorious resurrection on Easter Day. Hebrews 12 verse 2 asks us to “fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of God”; because of Jesus we are blessed and put right with God who reigns with righteousness and peace.
The first disciples were not in a church when they met the risen Jesus – they were at home, behind locked doors, afraid of what the future might hold. Jesus burst through their doubts and fears, and showed them that their lives could have purpose and meaning that they could not know without him, and know his presence and power in their homes and lives and world. This year on Easter Day we will be at home, perhaps feeling unsure about the future – with the risen Jesus we can find a certainty that he will be with us in every part of our lives, no matter what the future may hold – we can still say: the Lord is risen – He is risen indeed! Amen.
See, what a morning, gloriously bright, with the dawning of hope in Jerusalem;
folded the grave clothes, tomb filled with light, as the angels announce Christ is risen!
See God’s salvation plan, wrought in love, borne in pain, paid in sacrifice,
fulfilled in Christ, the Man, for he lives: Christ is risen from the dead!
… And we are raised with him, death is dead, love has won, Christ has conquered;
and we shall reign with him, for he lives: Christ is risen from the dead!
©Stuart Townend (b.1963) and Keith Getty (b.1974)
Why not use this simple communion at 10.30am on Easter Day to bring us together as a church family?
Take a small piece of bread and some juice and say:
Bring bread to the table – Bring the body of Christ
Bring wine to the table – Bring the blood of Christ
Holy God, we praise you. We bless you for creating the world, for your promises to your people, and for Jesus, in whose face we see your fullness.
Born of Mary, he shares our life.
In broken bread he shares his life: with the hungry, the exploited & the poor.
In poured wine he shares his promise: with the oppressed, the hopeless and the excluded.
With thanksgiving we break the bread & lift the cup.
We proclaim Christ’s death & resurrection. We claim the promise of life.
We share the gifts of bread & wine, and share his gifts of love & life in our daily lives.
Unite us in faith, encourage us with hope, inspire us to love, that we may serve as your faithful disciples, until we join with all your people around your banquet table. Amen
Whilst we’re not gathering at church, Young Spirit have decided to try and join together in reflections using video and social media. This week they are exploring Ecclesiastes.
Welcome to our Third Friday Connection – 3rd April 2020
As we gather together again through our Friday Connection we thank God for all the blessings we receive as his children. At this different time in our lives we realise how much we need the care and love of our heavenly father. God encourages us, uplifts us and give us the power through the Holy Spirit to reach out to others and, if not in physical ways, certainly in prayer.
We are at the beginning of Holy Week and as we mark Palm Sunday our reading is from
Mark 11: 1-11.
Two processions entered Jerusalem on this day: from the east Jesus rode on a donkey down the Mount of Olives, cheered by his followers. From the peasant village of Nazareth, his message was about the Kingdom of God, and his followers came from the peasant class. They had journeyed to Jerusalem from Galilee about 80 miles to the north, a journey that is the central part and dynamic of Mark’s Gospel.
On the opposite side of the city from the west, Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor entered Jerusalem at the head of a column of imperial cavalry and soldiers. Pilate’s procession proclaimed the power of empire: cavalry, horses, weapons, banners, marching feet and beating of drums.
The two processions are in direct contrast and confrontation – between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Caesar – the kingdoms of this world.
Here we are told the implications of following Jesus on the way to the cross, to Jerusalem: the way of confrontation with the authorities, but also the place of death and resurrection. In these difficult and challenging times, we still have to choose to follow the way of Jesus, for it is the way to LIFE even in the darkest times, life that is full of hope, joy, courage and expectation. We have been given the Holy Spirit to fill our lives with the vital necessities of that LIFE that only knowing Jesus and believing in God can give.
As we continue to pray for our world, our nation, our communities, our key workers, our friends and families we thank God that we can take our concerns to Him and accept his peace. The church family is here to support you so please ask for prayers through our several ways of contact. Here we ask for your prayers for Jane and Jonathan who are both very unwell. Jane was ill first and was very poorly but is improving, Jonathan is poorly and still ‘rubbish’ (his word) so please remember them and all those who are struggling in any way as we continue along the road to recovery.
With our love and prayers to you all
Terry and Irene
We shall not be composing the usual monthly newsletter until we are back at church but we will be sending out our Friday Connection by email and through Facebook. If you know of someone in our church community who is nearby and can’t connect like this and you are able to print and push through a copy of this Connection that would be good, otherwise please keep in contact by telephone.
Gathering together is vital for the Christian Church. We gather to praise God and celebrate – celebrate all God has done through Jesus. We soak ourselves in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and we do this through our songs, hymns, prayers, sermons and encouragement of each other. This strengthens us to live our Christian lives and all that means.
At the moment we are physically apart but we can still gather during our Friday prayer time as we rejoice in our faith, remember what God has done and pray for each other, our families, friends and our church family. I hope you are managing to keep active and receive telephone calls as well as meeting through other means of safe communication.
The weather has been glorious for the past week and we have been able to see new life all around us with spring flowers, busy birds, bees and butterflies – wonderful nature that uplifts our spirits.
We are in the fifth week of Lent just now and the Bible readings are Ezekiel 37:1-14, Psalm 130, Romans 8:6-11, and John 11:1-45. This is plenty of reading but how wonderful that when we need to read or hear something from God’s word, the passages we are given are so helpful and appropriate.
Romans 8:11 says: “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also through his Spirit that dwells in you.” May you know this peace which passes all understanding as we go forward trusting in our Saviour at this different and challenging time.
With our love and prayers
Terry and Irene