Month: November 2019

Close up image of a poppy

November Newsletter

A Methodist Way of Life

Have you still got the slip of paper given to us by our minister a few weeks ago? Did you just fold it up and forget about it? If you still have it do you look at it and use it in your prayers? Hopefully it is being looked at and helping in your daily life.

The paper covers “Our Calling” with the four headings we have tried to follow for many years now – Worship, Learning & Caring, Service and Evangelism. The Methodist Way of Life fills out all these headings and can be helpful in our daily prayers and life.

  • Individually you have to pray daily and bring God into our daily experiences; and together we are encouraged to worship regularly.
  • As a church we seek to Learn & Care week by week in our services, our Coffee Mornings, our Homework Club, our Christmas Fair, our Halloween evening and so on; we learn about our environment and how our efforts can make a difference and in all our events we seek to be welcoming and hospitable.
  • In our Service we try to be good neighbours with those close by and those farther afield – support of local charities like Nomad, FiSH, Lincoln Community Larder, Dementia Care, Barnado’s, Action for Children and more, and overseas concerns – Christian Aid, Shoeboxes, Methodist Relief in many ways eg providing toilets, Leprosy Mission etc.
  • Lastly we speak to others of our faith and all the above! All this because of our wonderful Saviour who fills our life with joy and wonder.

Services in November

Worship at 10:30am

3rd – Revd Nowell, Holy Communion
10th – Revd Nowell,  Remembrance
17th – Revd Nowell
24th – Revd Nowell, Cafe Church

Dates for your Diary

Sat. 02 Nov. – Modern-day Slavery Coffee Morning – 10-11am
Mon. 04 Nov. – Craft & Friendship group – 10.30am
Mon. 04 Nov. – Bible Study 10.30am & each Monday term time
Sun. 10 Nov. – Miss A Rands 75 years LP & 100 Birthday, Bailgate 4pm
Mon. 11 Nov. – Craft & Friendship group – 10.30am
Mon. 18 Nov. – Craft & Friendship group – 10.30am
Sat. 23 Nov. – Christmas Fair – 10-11.30am
Wed. 27 Nov. – 1st Advent Study – in the lounge at 2pm
Thurs 28 Nov. – Men’s Meeting – 7.15pm
Sat. 30 Nov. – Messy Christmas – 10.30am

Coming up in December

Sunday 15th Dec. – Beevor Band – Traditional Christmas evening, 6pm
Sunday, 22nd Dec. – Folk Carol service – 3pm

Environmental Concerns

Christmas! Christmas can be a plastic bonanza. We really need to consider what we buy. Wrapping paper and cards can be real contaminates. Plastic wrapping paper and glitter on cards means they cannot be recycled so please don’t buy them and don’t contaminate your recycling bin with them. In fact our Church card is a really environmental way to wish your church friends a ‘Happy Christmas’.

Have you thought about Christmas crackers – they contain lots of plastic toys that can’t be recycled? Can you do without crackers and think of another way to dress your table and welcome your guests?

Groups and Events

Coffee Morning – Saturday 2nd November, 10-11am

Modern-day Slavery. We have heard so much about this abominable activity on the news bulletins in the past few years. We have the opportunity to work against this and support Sam Morton who is doing a five-day run of about 300km to help this cause. So come to our Coffee Morning.

Women’s Circle – Monday 9th December, 6pm

We welcome any women who would like to join a friendly group. Thanks to Lynne & Mick Breward who will be hosting our Christmas evening again. If you are coming please bring a Secret Santa that costs no more, or very little more, than £1. Everyone is invited also to bring a small plate of nibbles. As agreed at our AGM we shall not meet again until 7th April when we have decided to meet on Tuesday afternoons.

Christmas Fair – Saturday 23rd November, 10-11.30am

Please come and enjoy the morning, buy some Christmas goodies that everyone has been working hard to create, have a coffee and a mince pie and start your Christmas here.

Advent Bible Study – Wednesday, 27th November – 2pm

Come and wait for the greatest gift of all and study what this gift means for you and the world. Everyone welcome.

Men’s Group – Thursday 28th November – 7.15pm

All men are welcome. This month the speaker will be Ken Chester. A variety of interesting speakers are invited through the year and all men are invited.

Messy Christmas – Saturday, 30th November 10.30am

Come and enjoy some Christmas fun & crafts, learn and retell the true meaning of Christmas, sing Christmas songs and share lunch. Everyone is welcome.

Other News


Thank you to everyone who contributed to the shoeboxes for HOPE and thank you to Heather & Phillip for delivering them. We sent 18 boxes which will be a great help to those who have little.


Macmillan Coffee Morning – 29.09.19 £103.00
Women’s Circle Coffee Morning -12.10.19 £76.90
Harvest Lunch – 06.10.19 £113.00
Jumble Sale – 19.10.19 £120.50

Thank you to everyone who helped and supported these events, all of which help us carry on our work here and also to support other vital causes.

Download a PDF copy of the Newsletter

If you would like to download a PDF copy of the newsletter, you can do so here.